Sunday, May 24, 2009

Liveblogging at the Tri-Town Drive-in

Today marks the one year anniversary of the start of this crazy quest of mine to see all the new movies released in theaters in the United States---or at least to see as many of them as possible.

Actually at the time I had no idea that it would turn into this. What actually happened is that because I was moving out of my apartment, a year ago today I let my cable get cut off, and for the first time in two years I not only was without Turner Classic Movies, but without any television at all.

In the previous eight years before that, I had seen perhaps twenty new movies in theaters. It had ceased to become an activity that interested me. But suddenly it seemed like the thing to do, so I got in my car, drove over to the discount cinema on Drake in Fort Collins, and bought a ticket to Vantage Point. Not really an auspicious beginning, you might say, because the movie was crap, but it certainly got me in the right mood.

It was only two or three weeks later that I came up with the idea of seeing all the movies that came out. At first I decided that I would see all the movies in 2008, as I've mentioned. But when the new year came around last January, I decided to keep it going. I was having too much month.

Today also marks the approximately the six month anniversary of starting this blog. I'm not sure what finally possessed me to start writing about the movies I was seeing, but after seeing Synechdoche, New York, I sat down and signed up for this Blogger account. Now that was an auspicious beginning.

It now seems like it is time for another upgrade to this adventure, which is exactly what is about to happen. In two days I'm flying overseas, to a non-English-speaking country. Am I going to see movies there? You betcha. Am I going to write about them? Well, what do you think I bought this new Asus Eee PC for?

To celebrate this milestone, last night I ventured over to nearby Lunenberg, to the Tri-Town Drive-in, the only such establishment in the Bay State. I hadn't been to a drive-in in almost a year, when I saw The Incredible Hulk in Fort Collins right before hitting the road to Jackson Hole. It seemed like the right thing to do.

I brought along my Eee and started typing up this blog entry right in the car while the previews played. They had wireless, and I could have uploaded it, but I didn't finish it quite in time. Still it was a nice dry run for this adventure, and a fun way to mark a year of seeing every damn movie that Hollywood throws my direction.

Oh, and I bought a new digital camera too. By the time I got there, it was a little too dark to get good shots. The Eee has no DVD drive, but it does have a built-in card reader. This is going to be fun...

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