Sunday, August 27, 2023

Battle Lines Drawn for the Upcoming Pre-Planned Pandemic

In my consumption of Youtube videos, I try to balance out my Catholic sources with Orthodox ones. Among my regulars is Abbot Tryphon who leads a community of monks on Vashon Island. He is not shy about expressing messages with a political tone to them, like this one. I consider him to be a national treasure.

Judging by Twitter and Youtube, everyone on our side is expecting them to come after us hard this winter, to shut everything down. One can sense that out there in America are legions of Lefties who feel bitter and defeated about the retreat of mask and vaccine mandates. They are looking very much forward to "being in charge" again.  It is part of the universal strategy of the left. They never accept defeat, only temporary setbacks. They did not get their way in 2020, which a "ten year shutdown" followed by a "Great Reset" of the world economy in which climate and social justice was established under world government. The destruction of chuches is of course something they greatly yearn for. 

My impression is that Abbot Tryphon in this video is expressing the universal sentiment of folks on our side, and of half of America or more.

Myself, having completely escaped vaccination the first time around---it's a no brainer to continue to do that. I'm almost looking forward to the battle ahead. 

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