Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Desert Blooms for a Time

 Winter has turned into Spring. It was a wet winter, the wettest since we came to Arizona. The desert turned green with lushness and the rabbits multiplied ferociously. The green grass then turned brown quickly but the yellow flowers remain, and from eye level, the desert looks like a lush meadow.

I am still doing Spellbreakers with Patrick. We are on episode fourteen, as of last week. It has become somewhat of a challenge to keep up the theme that Patrick wanted, of "exposing scientific flim flam." The title makes me cringe. Patrick wants red meat. He has much more heretical views about science than I do. Every week is a challenge.

The show sucked up nearly all my creative energy until recently, including this blog. In the meantime, Jessica took a couple interesting road trips. In January we went up to Sedona to stay at a lodge that is in a canyon. The name escapes me now, but it is a spectacular way to spend a couple days. Then last month we took a two week trip to New Mexico that I will write a post about, which has become one of those trips that has shifted the course of my life somewhat. That is the best thing about road trips, and travel in general, is when it can do that. It doesn't always work, but when it does, it is spectacular. Last year's trip to Europe was the most transformative such experience in years, which is why I tried to write about it, and as usual, never finished the story. I stopped when I was in Poland. But that leaves out the rest of the trip. I will have to summarize that as well. It becomes more easy to summarize such experiences with time. When one tries to write about them in the heat of the moment, there is too much detail to describe. The essence of the experience becomes clear only after time.

The view walking in my "undeveloped desert" as of a couple weeks ago.

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