Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Dark Feminine in Operation

 On day three after the latest Biggest Hollywood Debacle of All Time, the incident the whole world is talking about, the online conversation has swung back a bit towards the person whom some folks think  ought to be the person people are talking about. That of course is the woman. I watched a decent video by someone running a channel and claiming to be a "body language expert", who watched the woman's reaction on camera. She was pissed off.

As I mentioned, according to classical standards she is Jezebel. This phase of Postmodernity is obsessed with erasing all stigma on any behavior of any women, with the assumption that the old morality was simply a "construction" engineered in part to keep women oppressed. This is typical Marxist thinking based on the model of human beings as materialistic machines, the psychology of which can be "manufactured" according to an outside will. This is in direct opposition to the Christian belief that such aspects of human psychology are baked into us by the Creator, and any attempt to re-engineer them will result in disaster. The Christian belief is also that, unfortunately, such attempts tend to lead to short-term "benefits" to society in the form of looser, more relaxed human behavior, and a feeling of liberation. This is part of the Sin Cycle, in which Sinful behavior leads to short-term pleasure but long-term disaster. To Christian eyes, we are seeing this play out not only a personal level but a societal level.

To the Marxists, and the Nietzscheans too, this kind of thinking is the result of a having a weakened soul and a tired spirit. Christians are feeling whose batteries of life-energy have run down, and who no longer can appreciate the truth that the lust-driven passions of our youth are in fact the real purpose of life, and the driver of all human activity. The Christian mythology is an attempt to create an excuse for giving up as a human being. 

To the Illuminist eyes, human beings as a whole live in this run-down state, as the uneducated, vulgar masses. Part of the gnosis of personal growth is becoming aware of this, and discarding the shackles of conventional morality, which is a necessary Platonic Lie to keep society in order.

All of these ideas are currently at war. To Christians, it feels like an End Times war because there is already a widespread recognition among most Christians who still hold traditional beliefs in any form that the phase of civilization known as Christendom has passed. We live in Post-Christendom. We still have enough Christian presence for Atheists and Marxist to point at, in order to say that the remaining ills of perfecting progressing society are due to "our Christian culture."  This itself is a typical example of the use or irony as the weapon of choice by Marxists. Invert. Invert. Invert. That is their motto.

All of these currents are being manifest in the Hollywood incident, and in particular the behavior of the principals--the husband and wife. Hollywood is teaching us the New Rules of New Marriage. Marriage is an arbitrary coupling of Two People Who Love Each Other. Men are subservient to women. The only equality is marriage is between two members of the same sex (as this is free from the oppression dynamic).

The woman in the marriage should be able to have sex openly with other men, if that is her performance, and she need feel no shame about it. Her husband's job is to support her. If the man sleeps around, he is still scum. It need no make sense. It fail feel a bit unfair. That's just the sting of male ego from so many years dominating women, both personally and in civilization. Men need to understand that the era of Christian marriage is over, and to have to put up with a wife's shenanigans is part of the liberation. Young women of today will get to experience a freedom the women of the past were denied. It needs to be an excessive freedom, to make up for the past.

The utter illogic of all that I described must have been swirling like a hurricane in the mind of the man who went up on stage and lost his cool for all time, and blew the cover off Hollywood. God bless him. He was completely in the wrong. Classical rules say that he was allowed to strike the man on stage only if he had laid hands physically on his wife. He should be punching out her lovers. Instead he delivered a mortal-combat invitation slap. Slaps are what women do. It is allowed for them to slap where a man cannot. By all classical rules, if anyone had been supposed to slap the comedian, it should have been her.

The empowerment of women has proceeded to such a degree that she was disempowered from delivering the slap that was allowed her by classical rules. Instead her husband was demoted to the feminine role of delivering it. Inversion achieved!

Yet, there is a feeling that somehow all of this has backfired. It wasn't supposed to happen. Nothing that wakes the vulgar masses up from their slumber too quickly is to be held good by the Inverters. 

There is a feeling that things are in chaos. Such is the Dark Feminine in operation.

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