Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Deconstruction: Zoetrope Montage/The Professor Signs His Oeuvre

A young man, the age of a graduate student, is able to get his question expressed amidst the others:

"Professor Lévi-Strauss, would you say that your work has given us the first SCIENTIFIC study of the Oedipus myth?"

IMMEDIATELY CUT to a music-only ZOETROPE-LIKE MONTAGE of still shots of Lévi-Strauss answering the question in various expressions and with various animated gestures, and then subsequently interacting with the people around him, including autographing a 1955 PLON first edition of Tristes Tropiques handed to him by a young woman of college here, who is delighted as he signs it.

During the montage, perhaps we hear something like this from Rain Forest by Walter Wanderley:

After the autographing, we see a couple more stills, indicating Lévi-Strauss is answering another question. At the end of the quick montage, we come back into the live action, with Lévi-Strauss, having handed the book back that he signed, making a soft-landing:

"And that is why, that event though Monsieur FOUCAULT and I differ greatly in regard to the definition of the concept of MAN, we nevertheless have many overlapping thoughts that are in accordance with each other on a fundamental level."

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