Saturday, January 26, 2019

Shakespeare --- adaptations thereof

When I started this resolution, one question that occurred to me right off the bat was: should I, as part of this project, seek out to watch an adaptation of each play in turn?

I decided that was too strong of a condition, to watch the whole play. For one thing, none of the Youtube videos of full productions of The Two Gentlemen of Verona, although seemingly earnest and solidly produced, struck me as demanding the time it would take, to watch them at the moment, and thus interrupt the momentum of my project. Even the short one from the Royal Shakespeare Company seemed a bit off the mark to what I was looking for. Maybe I din't have the ear for real Shakespeare yet, I thought. If so I'd make that goal.

What then about The Taming of the Shrew? In this case, the work of seeing an adaptation was already done for me years ago. It was in fact the first Shakespeare play I ever saw produced on stage. I saw it in high school, under delightful circumstance, and so it stayed me like a first love, and always feels familiar, and conformable to the understanding (even as that understanding may be erroneous, or an illusion).

Also I'd recently seen the opening scenes of the 1967 movie adaptation starring Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. At the time, it struck me as  perfect adaptation of their roles in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf the year before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adaptations? See "Teenage Dick" adapt of RIII