Monday, September 2, 2024

We Went to Flagstaff

 Spent Labor Day weekend at a B and B. It was glorious. Air was fresh and cool. In the evenings after dinner we sat outside on the lounge chairs and watched the poplars swaying against the dark night sky after twilight.

On Thursday night it rained. We saw the storm clouds come down off the mountains. On Friday I worked from the hotel. Ginger took the take off from her job. On Saturday we drove out to Sunset Crater and visited Wukoki again---the ancient settlement on the fissure in the earth. The last time we were there it was blazing hot and sunny, and Ginger melts in that, so it was less than enjoyable. This time was overcast and cool. A much different experience. On Sunday we went to the Meteor Crater (will have to do a post just on that).

Today we drove home via Sedona, descending the canyon on the state highway instead of going by the Interstate, where you come to the edge of the Rim like a cliff.  We were lucky to catch the traffic going the other way through Sedona. Probably lots of folks still coming down now as I write this. 

Now we are back in the hot Valley and tomorrow is a normal work day. Thank God for Labor Day.